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Tutor Guide

This section demonstrates how a tutor can access the grading interface for a specific assignment.

Grade a Submission

Click on the "Submissions" button to access the submission query page.

Submissions button

Select the task you want to query submissions for.

Select task

In the search result table, the plugin shows a new column (titled "CSG" by default) that contains status icons denoting whether or not submissions have been given coding style grades.

Click on either the status icon or the new button (if enabled) to directly access the coding style grading interface.

CSG column

If you wish to view the submission before grading it (which is advisable), click on the magnifying glass icon.

View submission button

When viewing a student submission, click on the new "Grade coding style" button to access the grading interface for the submission.

Grading button

In the coding style grading interface, you can determine grades for each grading category and (optionally) give feedback. After you have finished grading the submission, click on the "Submit" button.

Grading interface

A message is displayed at the top of the page denoting the status of the operation.

Successful update